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Malowanie ścian i sufitów farbami UV

Our well-being and mood depends on many factors, including the interior around us. It is worth creating a unique environment in which we will feel good. It is even better if we create an interior that will adapt to our needs and take us to a different, magical world.

One of the latest solutions in home interior design are UV paints, which so far have been most often used in public places such as pubs, bars, clubs, restaurants - due to the fact that they look great in the evening and at night when illuminated with appropriate lamps. Then the paintings gain depth and their effect is very impressive.

The UV paints themselves are usually transparent and invisible during the day. Only in the dark, under the influence of electromagnetic radiation emitted by an ultra-violet (UV) lamp, paints begin to emit light. The paint contains a phosphor (a compound that exhibits luminescence), which, due to the action of the appropriate wavelength, causes the phosphor to glow.

The effect of using these paints, apart from, for example, acrylic paints, is the so-called double image - different in the daylight and different after dark. What seems to be an ordinary mural during the day, becomes an effective illumination of light at night.
The advantage of UV paints is that they can be selected for almost any surface: plasters, wallpapers, concrete, bricks, etc., so there is no need to prepare the substrate in advance. The paints come in many colors, so you can create amazing compositions. The luminous effect can be toned or sharpened, thanks to the light base the light will be intensified, while lower luminosity is obtained by using a base in a color similar to the UV paint.

With their help, we can add a unique character to our interiors. The system refined by us allows you to obtain long-lasting visual effects such as a starry sky, a coral reef and many more.